Thursday, 13 September 2012

Train route-lrt, underground

ni laluan lrt...ada kelana jaya line, ampang line
 ni kalau underground kat london

mcm best je blog ni: underground

 ok sambung la plak mlm ni :(
Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Biggest loser @ office


hr ni stat challenge ni kat ofis. semua kena timbang after lunch time (asalnye, ada budak ni nk kawen thn dia mmg obsess ngan weight loss/spa/sauna/slimming dia ni selamba & x kitaorg layan je la. winner will be determined by the % of losses- mmg ala2 biggest loser la).

yg seronotnye, me has reduced by 2.5 kg in 5 months. I guess the loss was due to slight walking from lrt to ofis, jln2 shopping/ window kat Jln TAR and plus the fact slalu smpi ofis ngam ngam x sempat bekpes heavy heavy cam dulu...ns goreng cili api + ayam goreng kecik2 kak ani/ ns lemak marveles & ns impit kuah kacang gerai Mami i opt for Milo/Neslo/Nescafe with 3-5 tablespoon of oat.

bulan posa hr tu x smpt timbang (dulu dh beli tapi rosak plak). ms tu rs lg ringan sbb kekadang xde selera nk buka/sahur & muka mmg cengkung ms tuh (aku sndr terkejut tgk pipi cengkung walaupn x diet beria)

during Ramadhan i often  consume honey cornflakes (beli kat mydin tu...hehhehehe) & fresh milk. tu je yg leh tekak ni telan- bowl besar plak honey cornflakes yg sedap tu:


(kalau plain cornflakes, suka mkn ngan susu sejuk + jugakla fav food ms preggie not preggie @ the moment ye, FYI)

now tgh survey supplement. aiming for Sharklee...

{bonus point for Sharklee- improved (i mean really2 improved & glowing) skin complexion & since it is the only supplement that is safe for BF mothers, then i guess the supplement must be REALLy GOOD. Thumbs up & congrats to my dear fren, Yat :) }

umur makin meningkat, amalan kena dipertingkat, kesihatan kena dijaga...)

Puasa, Raya & kids

xtau nk tulis apa...cuma rasa nk luahkn rasa kecewa sket...

rs stress nk train AF utk puasa thn ni maklumler, 1st time. bukan apa, dh la kurang bg dia didikan agama i mean, dia bnyk blaja kat skolah instead of kat rumah sndr. plus, by 7 y-o kena start solat aku rs responsibility as parents makin berat. (sib baik i only got boys, sbb kalau ada girl, risau sgt kalau dia susah nk xnak  pakai tudung bila besar nnt)

ok citer nye gini.

on daily basis during Ramadhan, i would try to slow talk with AF, to tell him the importance/benefit of fasting & being Muslim..supaya dia faham dosa/pahala & kelebihan berpuasa. Alhamdulillah, dia faham & cikgu kat skolah bnyk bg info kat dia.even niat puasa & doa buka puasa pn blaja kat skolah.

tp bila environment cuba instilkn norma2 cara masyarakat kita camni:

dh bape hari puasa? sehari papa mama nk bg bape ringget? nnt duit raya nk bape ringget??kalau x puasa, xleh dpt duit raya.... (hello....duit pn dia x reti kira lg!)

bila pegi umah sedara pn ada yg ckp cmni: cucu nenek suka puasa sbb nnt dpt duit raya banyaakkkkkk...

such a big No NO NO... (sama la cam no no to pacifier tu) & xde plak org kita tanye kat anak kita- dh hafal niat puasa? or tanye berpuasa bln Ramadhan tu rukun Islam no. bape?...

pastuh bila beraya kat kampung AF ngeluh- mama, umah ni panas la...nape panas sgt ni...umah ni xde air-cond ke??
my response- AF, x baik ckp camtuh..api neraka tu lg panas tau.

guess relative said to me: xx (my name), nape la ckp kat kat AF camtuh...diakn kecik lg...i was like what??? salah ke aku nk ckp kat anak aku camtuh?dia mmg dh paham konsep syurga/neraka (dh namanye pn nama syurga- Firdaus)

tu lom lg blk beraya umah org, trus tanye- dpt bape ringget umah org tu??

tolong la ubah sikap org2 kita.....

tp 1 benda yg buat aku hepi raya ni- aku dh stat pakai tudung dlm umah i.e ngan ipar/duai. Alhamdulillah. Mmg kuasa Allah, hati kita akan tenang bila buat benda baik :)
 & nak share from FB Prof. dr Muhaya:

Almari org Melayu penuh pinggan mangkuk, tp almari org Islam penuh buku...(p/s- rumah wardina banyk buku) . just raya ni pakai la pinggan corelle..jgn asyik display kat showcase aje :) {peringatan utk diri sndr jugak kekekekeke}

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