Thursday, 22 November 2012


ha....perasan x ada major facelift blog ni? rsnye lg ok than previous appearance kn...x messy. credit to Amna's Ummi coz help me ni the changing rupa blog ni... (personally, aku mmg x cukup masa nk online- sbb kat opis x leh bukak blogspot, kat phone mcm susah jerrrrk lainlah kalau pakai G. Note kn kn kn...)

p/s- selingan sentap sekejap:

mak:bila awak nk pegi Legoland/USS?

me: huh? (puzzle looking)

mak: bulan depan ke?

me: huh uh? erk... igt nk tunggu bonus thn depan :)

(senyuman paling manis skali so that mak aku x tau akulah paling sengkek skali post financial crisis-from UK trip. nk je aku cakap- mak, tiket pi Disneyland Paris hari tu RM700-00 tau...)

mak: tunggu bonus?

me: (pandang mak penuh harapan)

mak: ada ker???

me: (deng!!)... InsyaAllah ada Mak...

tu je yg mampu aku jawab.. so sape yg baca ni tolong la doakn aku dapat bonus berbulan2 thn depan supaya aku dpt pegi Legoland/USS bwk anak2 bujang aku/ parents/PIL, ameen.

tq :)
Friday, 16 November 2012

This is Anfield (intonasi penuh semangat!!)

This is Anfield. Kena sebut ngan intonasi penuh semangat ye...nk bg pihak lawan gerun ngan team Liverpool.

 xde idea nk tulis ape. so just let the pic do the talking. slmt cuci mata

p/s- meh amik feel sket ...layan zazz: You'll Never Walk Alone
Thursday, 15 November 2012

Bandar Liverpool

Masjid Al-Rahma

The Al-Rahma Mosque lcated on Hatherley Street in Toxteth, Liverpool, England, and can accommodate between 2,000 and 2,500 people and serves as the main place of worship and focus point for Liverpool's 25,000 strong Muslim community.
 The Al-Rahma Mosque is currently the largest of Liverpool's three mosques, followed by the Penny Lane mosque and a proposed mosque and Muslim centre on the former Anfield Community Comprehensive School site. (Source: Wikipedia)

Jalan2 lg....

 initally my SIL applied to pursue her PHD at University of Liverpool, tp uni ni reply xde rezeki la stadi kat sini.

ok, pasnih kita smbg citer psl penginapan kat Liverpool, stadium tour, Liverpool One and highlight of the tour: match day- Liverpool vs  West Bromwich Albion F.C.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012

L.i.V.e.R.P.o.O.L - sneak peak :)


Ish semangatnye..tempat keramat ni. Akhirnye dpt gak jejak kaki ke sini. hins..hins...

perut lapar plak. psnih sambung lg.


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