AF started standard 1 at Sek. Keb on 2/1/2013. Last 2 years when he went to kindy, we were so excited, coz our eldest child dah besar. belajar naik van, naik tangga ke kelas (kindy situated at level 1 of a shoplot).
Now, (again) we were excited, but actually, I am scared...
- he has no friends yet. his friends from the same kindy went to other schools- there are about 3 schools in our district, some even went to private schools/ KL schools (CBN, St john) but luckily he still meet his kindy frens during skolah agama in the afternoon session.
- his ride is private transporter, our neighbour. last week, we/mr lecturer personally fetch him to/from school.
- he has to buy his own F&B. we have how thought him how to buy some food RM1, or RM0.60. but still, me still nervous..
- his class teacher is so GARANG. i mean no ice breaking session with the year 1 students. x pandai psikologi LGSG! I am so sad seeing the way she interacted with the students.
my hope for this school sessions:
- my son will hv lots of friends
- dia x kena tinggal ngan van skolah
- he will be more familiar with $$ and he wont be bullied by others.
- his class teacher will be more dedicated, gentle in dealing with year 1. (u are the inspiration to the students)
quoted from Prof. Dr. Rozieta Shaary on 3/1/2013:
Pagi ini, ucapkan kesyukuran kerana masih diberi nyawa untuk meneruskan kehidupan.
Untuk yang anak-anak pergi sekolah atau tadika, maka bacakan Al-Fatihah
dan doakan agar dengan izinNya, anak-anak itu akan terjaga dengan baik
dan dapat belajar menjadi orang yang hebat.
Doakkan kebaikan juga
untuk guru-guru yang mengajar. Hantarkan doa bacaan Al-Fatihah dan
tenaga kasih sayang. Semoga hati mereka senantiasa penuh dengan
kasih-sayang dan mengajar anak-anak kita dengan penuh rasa
tanggung-jawab dan kasih murni.
Love- Ibu Rose
Sunday, 6 January 2013
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