Monday, 28 November 2011


semua umat Islam yg belum menunaikn haji pasti bercita2 utk menunaikn Rukun Islam..

pagi ni ada ofismate yg br pulang menunaikn Haji citer kat kitaorg experience dia ms kat sana ...& rasa nk nangis bila dia citer meninggalkn anak yg kecik lg- baru 1 1/2 thn....

aku yg malam2 tdo berkepit ngan AF & AM..tiba2 emosi plak...

sanggupkah aku nk tinggalkn anak2 ??....walaupn anak2 & duniawi ni pinjaman semata2....bila2 masa Allah boleh tarik blk kenikmatan hidup..

Subhanallah, Allahuakbar ....kasih sayangMu tiada tandingnya...insyaAllah, aku akan jd tetamuMu jua..jika aku terpaksa meninggalkn mereka, aku tau ada kuasa Agung yg lebih besar & berhak ke atas mereka....ameen...

YNWA- liverpool fans

AF- Roasted chicken, rice, potato salad
AM- Mac & cheese

location: Tropicana City Mall

watermark effect on pic

penting utk watermark you pic...still new in this area...interested? can go to this link:

MegaKidz, Mid Valley

AF- improve coordination, improve social skills (mingle with other kids- non malays) & overcome perasaan gayat, independance (less reliance to mama's presence around him, but me still has MY EYES over case dia jatuh/muntah/get bullied by other kids..hahaha)
AM- baru bgn tido, so xbape panas la enjinyer....

both enjoy their visit & movie time- kung fu panda....& berkung fu with other bigger kids (also non malays & they  hv fun & make new frens... )
Tuesday, 22 November 2011

biskut masa kecik2 dolu...

sape penah mkn ni?

me & my sisters (the charlie's angels) luv peeling off the sweet topping, finish it of first, then munch on the biscuits...dolu2 beli kat kedai mamak kat greenwood...its still clear in my mind...

its a little biscuit with sweet star-shaped coating at the top were joyful tidbits for children. And they came in various colors - pink, yellow, green and white.

source: Yahoo!Singapore

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