Thursday, 26 January 2012

Happy 63rd Bday, dearest Abah!!


Alhamdulillah, Abah panjang umur & dpt celebrate bday yg ke 63 pada 26/01/2012 :) Kami mmg x penah wat bday party sbb Abah x bagi....Abah lg suka kalau wat kenduri/majlis kesyukuran..tapi bila dh besar ni Abah x kesah pn kalau nk celeb bday tiup lilin ni...

Cuppies- courtesy of my cousin- Amy

So we decided bwk Abah makan kat Chili's- Citta Mall..ok la..bwk my parents try new food tp kitaorg blanje la sbb ni bday Abah :) (read- my mom suka bwk/blanje kitaorg sbb kitaorg yg pilih menu...Mak x confident nk pilih menu sendiri..hihihih)

Happy bday Abah!
Semoga dipanjangkn umur, diberkati rahmat Allah, dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik

from your youngest angel

Food @ Jusco


We are not big fans of Japanese food. Mr Lecturer mmg xkn try mkn weird food item (read- only eat local/western food) whilst me can eat any food (read- willing to try new food & kalau x suka rasa tu, wont try for 2nd time..but at least i tried, ok??!)

So we never go to Japanese restaurant but I occasionally would buy sushi- salmon/tuna/telur mayo kat giant/tesco/jucso...but not with the wasabi/ kicap ape ntah tu..Then 1 fine day I decided to persuade AF to give it a my surprise, he actually loves it : - though mula2 dia x mkn seaweed tu huhuhu)

(MODE: mama suka sgt, sbb ada geng nk mkn sushi pasnih..hihihih)

 saje wat kaler camni...ada efect retro sket (konon la)
 banyak pilihan tp kami cuma beli tuna/salmon/telur mayo aje :) (read- yet to hv the courage to try the RAW ones..huhuhuh)
 few times bought this food- ok & leh diterima oleh tekak mama & AF :) (that's my boy!!)
 AF yg sgt hepi coz we bought him his comfort food for dinner- sushi (he can eat 5-7 pieces at a time) & tako tao (1-3 balls at a time..depending the level of emptiness of his tummy hahahah)

Karipap Karipap Cinta


Entry ni xde kena mengena ngan filem si gambit tuh...nk buat homemade karipap utk family tercinta...being married almost 7 years, i finally felt confident enuff to make KARIPAP from scratch (slalu wat inti karipap tp pakai kulit pastry instant & bakar jer)....(walaupn dulu2 mak mmg jual karipap kat ofis/kantin ofis/tempahan sedara- Tan Sri)..

ni buktinye:
 karipap beratur utk digoreng
 enjoying karipap
 AF perasan plak ada daun sup/bawang kat inti karipap tu..aisehman... (read- budak x suka mkn sayur :p )
 ni karipap kena love bite ngan AM (not bad my karipap's shape kn?? - angkat bakul huhuhuh)
AM- gambar hiasan ni la budak yg suka mkn karipap setengah2 aje...(read- mkn separuh, tinggalkn & amik karipap baru plak..sabo je la)

 Mr Lecturer kena dera goreng karipap (read- melepas tgk game basketball kat tv...hahahha..xpela, karipap ni utk mkn anak-beranak jugak..& pls ignore periuk2 gua yg bergantungan kat tingkap tu ok??)

Free breakfast oh Friday :)

 ada Asst. Manager 1 floor belanja, sbb dh cnfm jawatan dia..alhamdulillah & semoga murah rezeki dpt belanja 1 floor lg :)
nk selit jugak barang2 kaler pink kat opis..ngeheheheheheh..(merah jambu)
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Solat Dhuha

Hari Rabu (18/01/2012), Yg Bhg Ustaz Hj Omar (Penceramah Bebas, JAIS) telah dijemput utk bg ceramah tentang Pencegahan Lebih Baik Dari Rawatan..

ceramah bulanan ni seronok kalau kita dpt dengar & rasa rugi sgt kalau x la, ada anak kecik ni susah sket nk pegi surau/masjid (takut budak bising, terbocor kencing, kacau jemaah lain etc)

x reti nk citer detail psl ceramah ni tp antara intipati yg nk share kat sini- pasal solat dhuha. Ustaz Hj Omar menerangkan solat ni x semestinye mengharapkan rezeki semata2 tp lebih pada keredhaan Allah...(kalau peroleh keredhaan Allah, hati akan menjadi tenang..bila hati tenang, we are on the right track- right path, insyaAllah)

to readers yg xtau cara2 nye, ni cara menunaikn Solat Dhuha

do search for UNIC - Doa Dhuha- Album : Hijrah - kat you tube ada bnyk...

seharian kat opis asyik dengar lagu pop/ballad pn boring lagu ni, hati seronok je dengar... :)

AirAsia X Re-aligns Network To Focus On Core Markets (dd:12 January 2012)

we have booked our tickets to UK in May, last year for a month trip from 10/04/2012-09/05/2012 via

Reading about AAx announcement really scares wonder me & mr lecturer asyik berlengah2 aje nk plan our trip, rupe2nye ada problem more: Asia X Re-aligns Network To Focus On Core Markets

AAx promises- All affected guests will receive an e-mail stating options that are available to them, including a full refund, a reroute to another AirAsia X destination (e.g, in Australia and North Asia), or a move to an alternative carrier where available.

(now i'm praying that the alternative carrier is MAS, heheheh)

ok, so just wait for the e-mail from them in Feb! rilek, jgn stress, kuddos toAir Asia X CEO Azran Osman-Rani who never fails to reply his twitter :) (good job!)

i heart pink

i used to like RED so much, then i realize i prefer PINK than RED coz it looks soo sweet & nice....

for drinks- i like PINK guava - latest promo: Hot FM & Go Fresh  

i like anything looks sweet (not having sweet tooth though!) - from home appliances

my family-

  me, myself & I

now i wish i have a daughter so that i can dress her in PINK - both of us in PINK... so sweet...(tetap bersyukur with my 2 handsome boys-AF & AM)

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