Thursday, 26 January 2012

Food @ Jusco


We are not big fans of Japanese food. Mr Lecturer mmg xkn try mkn weird food item (read- only eat local/western food) whilst me can eat any food (read- willing to try new food & kalau x suka rasa tu, wont try for 2nd time..but at least i tried, ok??!)

So we never go to Japanese restaurant but I occasionally would buy sushi- salmon/tuna/telur mayo kat giant/tesco/jucso...but not with the wasabi/ kicap ape ntah tu..Then 1 fine day I decided to persuade AF to give it a my surprise, he actually loves it : - though mula2 dia x mkn seaweed tu huhuhu)

(MODE: mama suka sgt, sbb ada geng nk mkn sushi pasnih..hihihih)

 saje wat kaler camni...ada efect retro sket (konon la)
 banyak pilihan tp kami cuma beli tuna/salmon/telur mayo aje :) (read- yet to hv the courage to try the RAW ones..huhuhuh)
 few times bought this food- ok & leh diterima oleh tekak mama & AF :) (that's my boy!!)
 AF yg sgt hepi coz we bought him his comfort food for dinner- sushi (he can eat 5-7 pieces at a time) & tako tao (1-3 balls at a time..depending the level of emptiness of his tummy hahahah)


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