Wednesday, 28 March 2012

AF's 1st trip to dentist- 09/03/2012

AF is 5 years & 7 months when we brought him to dentist...tu pn sbb perasan gigi susu dia makin kecik..supa2nye dh goyang...aku punyenya cuak mklum ler in Feb kn baru je operate geraham bongsu...oh sungguh ngeri...

ms pi dentist tu dia still excited... maybe sbb dia x tau samada sakit/idak...(the nite before we gone tru images at internet- dentist, tooth extraction, etc..& he does not seem bothered/disturbed)

AF & gigi baru cabut. Method: sapu gigi yg nk cabut tu ngan gummy paste (assuming stroberi taste since it is in pink kaler), maybe nk kebaskn kot...then br amik playar (i called it la..donno tech name) & cabut gigi tu.

Per the dentist, it is common for 5-6 y.o utk cabut gigi bwh, then followed by gigi atas- alternately (*mama nk pengsan dengar ckp dentist ni*)

dh start nk nanges ms cepat2 pujuk.. dentist suruh mkn eskrem paddlepop nk cptkn darah berenti...

kuar bilik mmg dh nanges & merengek2 he laid down few minutes whilst dentist coaxed him...(kelakar x? dentist yg kena pujuk...)
ni dh blk umah..dh stat ckp bnyk cam biasa..aku punye le terlupa to cook/buy porridge...assuming xleh mkn solid food..turn out, he can eat as usual...(nenek goreng karipap- AF's dinner: 3-4 ketul karipap)..

so aku assume, he is FINE and recovering well. that's my boy!!


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