Sunday, 22 April 2012

Beli barang kat supermarket omputih- Morrisons

kalau kat M'sia, x kosa nk amik gambo camni...hehehehehe

Europe tour 2012


We were here for almost 2 weeks now. Being away in foreign countries make us more independent and grateful for being Malaysians. In Malaysia, we were blessed with local/foreign food-with halal status, toilet with water tap, prayer room, etc.

When we went to local supermarket-Morrisons, Tesco, Asda..memang drooling tengok fresh sandwiches made available at food counters...Ayat makcik omputih kat kaunter:

makcik omputih: Hi, can i help u?
me & AF: Hi, its ok, we were just looking through..(sambil kesat air liur meleleh tgk chicken pie/turkey sandwiches, etc)
makcik omputih: Yeah, i know.. (igt aku xtau ke korang tu Muslims)

walaupn terliur gak tgk makanan best2 & bau sedap2 (tp bila tau tu bau burger wild boar-nk muntah!!!), terus igt, xpe, ganjaran kat akhirat lebih utama & berkekalan...

kesimpulan berada kat sini:
  • omputih ni amat la baik i.e sentiasa greet customers, though kita x beli ape2...AF  & AM dpt chocs from a  granny agaknye granny tu tgk boys ni cute sgt kot..hehehehe (coklat cadbury dairy milk ok...) kalau ada omputih yg kasar2/ ganas, assuming they are  not locals, i.e from Poland, or other neigbouring countries
  • isi minyak dulu baru bayar... - kejujuran
  • byr barang kat kedai kat mesin ala2 mesin ATM gitu...-kejujuran
  • walaupn dlm toilet xde water tap (kt sink depan ada la air..siap tap biru & merah & cold water) tp x de bau hancing ok  & toilet roll sentiasa available...I even saw a toilet user gave some tips to the cleaner...(kesimpulan: bwk la botol air kecik dlm handbag tu...kalau xnk, amik tisu  bnyk2 & pastuh aku dh was2 nk pakai jeans yg sama kalau nk solat... )
tp, ada jugak dugaan kami as PARENTS ms kat sini...hanya Allah saje yg tau mcm mana perasaan kitaorg ms tuh & berkat doa padaNya, Alhamdulillah, masalah kami dpt diatasi in about 10 mins time.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

5 days to go..yiiiiha....

Weather kat UK x standby glove and sarung kepala case sejuk sgt la..forecast siap ckp may be snowing again or could be too hot...

p/s- AM's jacket is sponsored by my parents whilst AF's air ticket is actually sponsored by my PIL...alhamdulillah, <3 my parents & PIL!! jasa kalian mmg x terbalas!!
dh standby lotion & lip balm...walaupn boys, tetap kena pakai lip balm tau...sbb cuaca M'sia aje yg lembab..kat oversea, udara kering & sgtla windy....
Ish boys ni tido gini gaya.....camne la dlm flight 13 jam tu...(MAS xde transit to Dubai so direct flight to Heathrow Airport)
Sunday, 1 April 2012

today is 02/04/2012


lg seminggu je keje kat sini....ish berdebar la plak...Hari ni ada plak hamba Allah insisted nk blanje McD...gua ok sbb mengenangkn lapar nasik, gua pau dia nugget 9pcs mti ada bbq sauce..ehehehhe

ish  ish...excited ade...berdebar pn ada.....

tetiba teringat plak bagasi belom dikemasi....kena stay up la weekend ni.. (nk msk/ mkn puas2..mengtekedarah la kunun..nnt sebulan xleh mkn ikut tekak M'sia- over x sttm ni???)

paling xleh tahan bila mr lecturer ckp camnih- kurus la saya sebulan ni..eheheheheheheh...we shall c about that ye!

(sob!sob!- terkenangkn bape bnyk kena byr blk sbb tender in short notice...huhuhuhuh)

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