Tuesday, 3 April 2012

5 days to go..yiiiiha....

Weather kat UK x menentu..tp standby glove and sarung kepala ni..in case sejuk sgt la..forecast siap ckp may be snowing again or could be too hot...

p/s- AM's jacket is sponsored by my parents whilst AF's air ticket is actually sponsored by my PIL...alhamdulillah, <3 my parents & PIL!! jasa kalian mmg x terbalas!!
dh standby lotion & lip balm...walaupn boys, tetap kena pakai lip balm tau...sbb cuaca M'sia aje yg lembab..kat oversea, udara kering & sgtla windy....
Ish boys ni tido gini gaya.....camne la dlm flight 13 jam tu...(MAS xde transit to Dubai so direct flight to Heathrow Airport)


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