Kelebihan bwk budak2 + warga emas- dpt msk flight lg awal dr org lain :)
We have settled down with our things, tp passengers lain br nk masuk & cari seat masing2 & letak hand luggage kat atas tu..hehehehe
AF & Mr Lecturer
Different time zone with 7 hours time difference. The journey took 12 hours, depart from KLIA, Malaysia at 10am and arrived at Heathrow Airport at 4pm UK time (11pm Malaysia time).
Ni kat luar Heathrow- almost midnite Malaysia time. Mata kitaorg semua merah sbb dh ngantuk. AM mmg xleh bukak mata, Mr Lecturer kena la dukung sementara tunggu BIL dtg amik kat airport. Mata mengantuk tp cuaca kat sini elok je I think my mind was a bit confuse kepala rasa weng & berat aje.
My observation- ramainye org Melayu kat airport ni...hehehehe..siap ada budak pompuan tegur aku kat public phone airport lebih kurang gini:
Budak pompuan tu: Akak, camne nk pakai phone ni? ni no. yg saya nk tipon..
Aku:err..xtau la..sori ye (sambil tgk screen hp dia dh lupa hp jenis ape ntah)
x lama pstuh family dia pn sampai...
kitaorg tunggu lg few minutes, then br BIL sampai...oh sungguh lega...
off to Leicester, Leicestershire, UK :)
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