Sunday, 15 July 2012

bersihnya muka :)


its been a year i hv been using skin care range from Estee Lauder. Estee Lauder ni mmg ada sentimental value for me sbb dr dulu lg.. (stat ms practical la), mmg suka ngan brand ni, so feminin, gitu... I started with the perfume- White Linen mmm..bestnye bau... (skarang ni EL- White Linen dh ada few options ie.white linen, pure white linen, white linen breeze, white linen pink coral- hubby penah wat surprise on my 30th bday bg a rose bouquet and white line pink tu tgh pregnant plak tu. tp kesian sbb my bday is actually a day b4 V day,so its a bit pricey compared other low season time.. )
I started with Nutritious cleanser. its actually to make the skin more radiant. (ms nk beli set tu, promoter said my skin looks dull...duh!!) masa try tu, mmg best sgt. i noticed that my skin is glowing, reduced pores at my nose & eventually  i dont need to use  pore pack (seriously!!). opps forgot, the set comes with time zone product range (utk org dh berumur i.e 30s ye... & aiming to reduce the fine line & perhaps can slow the effect of wrinkle on my face gitu..) & the most great product- Advanced Night Repair (mcm Erra Faziera pakai tu). again, seriously, this product really moisturises my skin, bila bgn pagi, nk amik wuduk tu, mmg rasa kulit lembut sgt.

 Set Nutritious for radiant looking skin..kalau bwh 30s sesuai la kot...

(semua picture dari Google ye, tq)

 Advanced night repair (ANR) ni serum yg pakai waktu mlm sblm tido. tp sblm tu kena pakai moisturizer utk mlm (night cream) bg membolehkn ANR ni berfungsi & melembab 5x ganda. ANR ni ada eye cream jugak.

Latest checking with staff at EL counter, i need to continue with the soft clean cleanser (above), sbb kulit kering sikit. So i replenish the ANR & soft clean cleanser for RM425 & got free 6 pcs item & dpt 8 vouchers (beli ms Sogo members' day so dpt double voucer i.e RM100 = 2 RM10 vouchers, normal time is RM100= 1 RM10 voucher)

my purchase was :
RM425- RM80 (voucher) = RM345 only :)

hopefully masa raya my skin looks smooth & silky :)

 ada sket my own pic of my estee lauder products, tp tu semua travel size sbb naik flight & bwk hand luggage je so max liquid is 100 ml aje :)  important thing during vacation


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