Saturday, 27 October 2012

Shaun The Sheep

Shaun the Sheep screenshot 1 - This is how the screensaver looks in fullscreen mode.


ni fav katun AM ms kecik dulu.mmg kelakar sgt si shaun ni..

ni original sheep that we saw during  UK trip :) (agak kagum la...heheheh)

 Sejuk mata memandang...
Dearest MIL (pic from FIL's camera. The weather is abt 20-25°C)

bila tgk dari jauh mcm kapas yg terbiar kat rumput (kambing gemok2 heheheeh)

Friday, 12 October 2012

Rombongan Cik Kinah ke Manchester part 3

credit to google picture.

pusing2 Manchester, we all lepak kat Lowry Mall je. ada mcm2 kedai (mcm la nk shopping sgt!)  among others:
Marks & Spencer, Austin Reed, Nike Factory Outlet, Cotton Traders
utk brg umah- ada la Noritake & aku x masuk sbb bwk budak2.kang x pasal je kena ganti..huhuhu

tp papehal, kena pau ngan budak2 kat bookstore...hampeh jer...x kena pau x sah!

Lowry Outlet Mall)

Dont be surprise sbb kat sini ada 2 gerai selling Halal food kat foodcourt dia tau.
1) Food selling arab food- briani, mandy, lamb kabsah, etc
2) Chicken Cottage (sort of KFC/McD)- of koz we bought our food here coz the boys just can't live without fries/burgers.

Luckily we didn't buy the briani coz its a bit dull & plain for our so Malay tastebud (kurang berasa la )but the kebab was good. not bad :)

kat food court ni ada subway, tp x halal. again, kat foodcourt pn leh jumpa org Melayu..ish ish...

otw ke Liverpool, akan singgah shopping outlet- yeah!!

Rombongan Cik Kinah ke Manchester part 2

King Kong wuz ere :P (tu mmg nama manja Mr Lecturer ye...)
 pic taken by a-professional-not-cameraman
 as above, still the same cameraman..heheheh
 i luv this pic- sort of luv hate relationship...heheheh
Sorry MU fans...we all x minat MU...
 ada org muntah2 kat depan stadium... (tp sorok2 sbb takut plak kena belasah ngan a group full-of-bus of Chinese looking tourists of which a- die-hard-fan of MU..)
AM ni mmg x suka MU...kuang3. 
very neat & tidy merchandise store...

the boys were confused- to do good sign/ bad sign??

colourfull & bright stadium- definitely a prestigious stadium. that is undeniable ye...
masa ni jumpa Malay family (ore Kelate ) yg stay kat Dubai...diaorg pn amik keta sewa. biasa la bila jumpa org Melayu tu of koz la rasa bangga giler kn... (UK ni penuh org Melayu aje aku rasa.)

sekian. termpat musuh ni...xyah la citer banyak2...

Selain dr stadium, jalan2 area Manchester & jumpa ada Mall ni- Lowry Mall.

Rombongan Cik Kinah ke Manchester part 1


hr ni ada mood sket nk update travelog...sbb ada org suruh share experience.

ok kami bergerak dr Leicester- Manchester-Liverpool-Leicester. Manchester ni bandar moden sket la dr Leicester & Liverpool. Sesat gak la kat bandar Manchester & since kitaorg ronda2 dulu br nk cek-in hotel, x perasan dh petang time org blk ofis & jln agak jem (mode: x snap pic sbb gabra sesat dlm city walaupn pakai GPS. agaknye Mr Lecturer ni nk jugak wifey dia jd GPS kot...p/s- kat hiway pn tersesat gak, tp GPS tu akan re-route kita ke correct lane, no worries ya!)

we stayed at bajet hotel jer- Travelodge: Manchester Salford Quays... hotel travelodge ni very affordable i.e  promo rate for family room @ £15/nite and additional £2 charged for booking made with credit card.  (bajet hotel kat UK ni besar ye, muat utk 2 queen beds & ada ruang lg utk solat so xler terasa sengkek sgt walaupn dok hotel bajet aje)

we stayed for 2 nites. yg bestnye, depan hotel ni ada Morrisons, so senang nk beli groceries (beli la sgt!)..actually setakat beli roti/ kit-kat, jajan, etc. parking kereta kat Morrisons sbb hotel ni tepi jln, so mmg xde parking area. parking kat Morrisons & kena dptkn chop utk dpt rate murah :) refer here: parking-Morrisons-rate

(ada cashier Muslim kat Morrisons ms kitaorg pegi ni.)

Manchester Salford Quays Hotel
front view

pic from ggogle je, ms sampai, hari ujan & sibuk nk dukung budak/bwk beg/periuk bagai.. (so kampung kn...heheheheh)

baru nk cek in :)... dh sampai manchester!!! yeah yeah

nk share ape yg ada kat biasa, since limitation kat diri sendiri, terpaksa explain pakai google pic aje ye..

family room kitaorg camni la lebih kurang, minus the tv hang on the wall.rsnye tv kat bilik 14inci aje. sofa merah tu sofa bed (sofa merah tu mmg ada). so Mr Lecturer tido situ lerr.

bila dh sampai sini, kena la pi ke tempat musuh tradisi- MU stadium

part 2..bersambung :)

Weekend... I luv weekend!!

welcome beautiful long-awaited weekend!!

ceh poyo je heading, coz mine started yesterday- mc on friday due to cherry berry. kafarah dosa btol since msk keje baru ni...asyik sakit aje. but i think food factor actually the real culprit..hehehehe

pity my boys kena stay home aje coz me still need to be near with my quarantine room a.k.a toilet..(mode: selamat duit den kuang3)

mlm ni nk mkn ape ek? ns smlm yg lebih ada bnyk lg...nk wat ns goreng, xleh mkn pedas/oily..sih tasteless tastebud :(    - hilang nikmat dunia

nnt la pikir lg.

Mode: dok umah, layan A&H sampai lebam, cover tdo sampai muka sembab..boleh??

note: i am suppose to be on sharklee detox for my 3rd week. tp since i had natural detox for the past few days, think i'll pass this week routine. kalau x, pengsan aku! merangkak ke toilet /*pitam*

Saturday, 6 October 2012



nothing new..still juggling i.e struggling- work, lrt ride, cooking/ preparing food at home...normal routine for maidless working mom..sigh..

i think i definitely need SUPER DRUG supplement to really2 booze my energy.

but alhamdulillah, seeing the boys karate-ing, gaduh2, sometimes made my day (sometimes irritating jugak sbb x dengar ckp) plus, they are now pandai menjawab..bikin panas aje...

AF: nenek, AF nk mkn nasi lauk ikan masin la..
Nenek: ha?? awak pandai ke mkn ikan masin?? x boleh mkn banyak tau, nnt haus sbb mkn benda masin..
AF: bukan la nenek..nnt kena darah tinggi mcm Atok Jeram..
Nenek (dlm ati): eh dia tau penyakit darah tinggi??? (wondering if he knows diabetis)

or this:

Mama: AM, dh besar (3 y-o) dh x boleh pakai pampers tau. kena kencing kat toilet cam abg AF.
AM: Mama, AM kn tecik lagi..lom pandai lg..kena la pakai pampers..

hampeh je. sumtimes psikologi x jalan ngan si kecik ni...


p/s- on sharklee set for the past 8 days...think my skin can now survive the day without any moisturizer.. (an improvement for my super-dry- cheek-skin & in air-cond room)..eyeing for other supplement - Vit c- to strengthen my immune system (would be having fever/flu/cough every 1-2 months...deteriorating health condition due to age factor?? oh my...)


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