nothing new..still juggling i.e struggling- work, lrt ride, cooking/ preparing food at home...normal routine for maidless working mom..sigh..
i think i definitely need SUPER
but alhamdulillah, seeing the boys karate-ing, gaduh2, sometimes made my day (sometimes irritating jugak sbb x dengar ckp) plus, they are now pandai menjawab..bikin panas aje...
AF: nenek, AF nk mkn nasi lauk ikan masin la..
Nenek: ha?? awak pandai ke mkn ikan masin?? x boleh mkn banyak tau, nnt haus sbb mkn benda masin..
AF: bukan la nenek..nnt kena darah tinggi mcm Atok Jeram..
Nenek (dlm ati): eh dia tau penyakit darah tinggi??? (wondering if he knows diabetis)
or this:
Mama: AM, dh besar (3 y-o) dh x boleh pakai pampers tau. kena kencing kat toilet cam abg AF.
AM: Mama, AM kn tecik lagi..lom pandai lg..kena la pakai pampers..
hampeh je. sumtimes psikologi x jalan ngan si kecik ni...
p/s- on sharklee set for the past 8 days...think my skin can now survive the day without any moisturizer.. (an improvement for my super-dry- cheek-skin & in air-cond room)..eyeing for other supplement - Vit c- to strengthen my immune system (would be having fever/flu/cough every 1-2 months...deteriorating health condition due to age factor?? oh my...)
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