1997 i met a fren at matriculation centre. She is polite, soft, friendly. After graduated in 2002 (convocation was in 2003), we were on our own direction.
2004, we became colleague..yeah- we work in the same organization but different department (her starting salary is higher than me though huhuuhu).
2012, we both left that organization. Me: to chase the 20%++ increase in salary & to work in new organization, whilst she left to follow her hubby working overseas (Wow!! paham x? kena keje kat negara omputih..4 seasons...xpe la kalau xde perasan. u can stop reading now).
I ws like..what?? best part is: She is now a full time housewife. Double WOW!! I am SOO envy of her..but Alhamdulillah...Allah bagi rezeki yg baik buat dia..Me & other frens at Malaysia can only pray for her health, safety dok kat negara org.
I confessed my feeling (abt feeling low) to my cousin. She said: mestila rs down. I think those who dont hv feeling, mesti HATI KERING heheheheh...
ops, forgot. her BFF is now residing in Japan after her marriage. My cousin is still single. She still feeling down teringatkn bestie yg dok kat Jepun tu, but now at manageable level...hehehehe (please pray that my cousin will marry her best man very soon...)
renungan- rezeki/dugaan Allah tu x sama pada hamba2Nya... kita sepatutnya compare ngan org yg kurang dr kita br lah kita rs lebih bersyukur. contoh senang:
- gaji kita > gaji Ms X (rs mcm org kaya..tp pada hr gaji masuk je la) or
- rumah kita cantik & besar, tp kawan kita cuma mampu menyewa aje
- kita kawen, trus ngandung & dapat anak. ada org kawen bertahun2, x ngandung pun..
terus kita rs nikmat Allah & rs bersyukur sgt :D
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Friday, 7 December 2012
while FBing, ternampak 1 post, tp x igt sapa yg wat posting tu/share from which sites. tp yg aku igt-
ni pesanan mak aku yg mmg aku akan igt smpai bila2:
hubungan anak perempuan ngan mak mmg sgt kuat..bertambah kuat bila anak perempuan tu sendiri telah melahirkn...
sooooooo true.
- layanlah anak2 kita dgn baik sbb kita (parents) ni je la kawan dia...(i mean budak2 la...)
- umur anak < 7thn, layan kan aje anak2 kita..walaupn dia mintak kita jd kuda & dia panjat blakang kita smbil ckp "yeeeehaaaa!!". Bila anak 7-14 thn, dh kena ajar anak2 & kena jd lebih serius (pasal tu kena pastikn anak jaga solat 5 waktu sejak umur 7 thn.. . bila anak dh >14 thn, parents boleh berkeras ngan anak2. sbb dia dh mula matang & dpt membezakan baik & buruk...
- anak kita mencerminkan diri kita...kadang sifat anak yg kasar mungkin berpunca dr sikap kita yg kasar..bak kata Prof Muhaya- kena audit diri kita... (walaupn ada ayat: Iman x dpt diwarisi...which is soo true...) tp kita sebagai ibu bapa kena jd yg terbaik utk anak2 kita. ni ayat paling sempoi: garbage in, garbage out i.e input yg kita bagi x elok, hasilnye tentulah x elok kan? basic jer equation ni.
ni pesanan mak aku yg mmg aku akan igt smpai bila2:
hubungan anak perempuan ngan mak mmg sgt kuat..bertambah kuat bila anak perempuan tu sendiri telah melahirkn...
sooooooo true.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
The boys
Mak reminded me to always encourage AF to speak in English at home. AF's class teacher at kindy is an Indian lady who speaks fluent English. (i think AF is inspired to speak in English becoz of her heheheh)..
So 1 fine day, I said to AF:
Mama: AF, from now on, I want u to speak in English.
AF: ok Mama
before we went to bed that nite:
Mama: AF, u want to sleep with me or Papa?
AF: tonite, I want to sleep with Father..
(skema giler, hehehehe)
tonite- we had garlic bread & mushroom soup for dinner
Mama: how do u like your dinner? (directing to AF & waiting for his answer)
suddenly AM replied instead of AF: MMM, soooo good Mama
AF: (a pat on his forehead)
(kelakar..sbb AM's English vocab lom banyak lg & aku terkejut dia nk ckp camtu tp rsnye pengaruh katun kot)
So 1 fine day, I said to AF:
Mama: AF, from now on, I want u to speak in English.
AF: ok Mama
before we went to bed that nite:
Mama: AF, u want to sleep with me or Papa?
AF: tonite, I want to sleep with Father..
(skema giler, hehehehe)
tonite- we had garlic bread & mushroom soup for dinner
Mama: how do u like your dinner? (directing to AF & waiting for his answer)
suddenly AM replied instead of AF: MMM, soooo good Mama
AF: (a pat on his forehead)
(kelakar..sbb AM's English vocab lom banyak lg & aku terkejut dia nk ckp camtu tp rsnye pengaruh katun kot)
Alhamdulillah, dah 6 bulan..
Alhamdulillah :)
I had posted the above on FB...syukur sgt dah confirm kat opis baru..some may think its no biggie abt confirmation ni. but for me, IT IS A BIG DEAL...ye la, bayangkn existing monthly commitment & kalau tetiba xde keje...x pasal2 mr lecturer kena jd sole breadwinner..ish ish..x dpt la nk layan tekak boys yg suka request mcm2...
Thank You Allah!
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