Tuesday, 11 December 2012

feeling down :(

1997 i met a fren at matriculation centre. She is polite, soft, friendly. After graduated in 2002 (convocation was in 2003), we were on our own direction.

2004, we became colleague..yeah- we work in the same organization but different department (her starting salary is higher than me though huhuuhu).

2012, we both left that organization. Me: to chase the 20%++  increase in salary & to work in new organization, whilst she left to follow her hubby working overseas (Wow!! paham x? kena keje kat negara omputih..4 seasons...xpe la kalau xde perasan. u can stop reading now).

I ws like..what?? best part is: She is now a full time housewife. Double WOW!! I am SOO envy of her..but Alhamdulillah...Allah bagi rezeki yg baik buat dia..Me & other frens at Malaysia can only pray for her health, safety dok kat negara org.

I confessed my feeling (abt feeling low) to my cousin. She said: mestila rs down. I think those who dont hv feeling, mesti HATI KERING heheheheh...

ops, forgot. her BFF is now residing in Japan after her marriage. My cousin is still single. She still feeling down teringatkn bestie yg dok kat Jepun tu, but now at manageable level...hehehehe (please pray that my cousin will marry her best man very soon...)


renungan- rezeki/dugaan Allah tu x sama pada hamba2Nya... kita sepatutnya compare ngan org yg kurang dr kita br lah kita rs lebih bersyukur. contoh senang:
- gaji kita > gaji Ms X  (rs mcm org kaya..tp pada hr gaji masuk je la) or
- rumah kita cantik & besar, tp kawan kita cuma mampu menyewa aje
- kita kawen, trus ngandung & dapat anak. ada org kawen bertahun2, x ngandung pun..

terus kita rs nikmat Allah & rs bersyukur sgt :D


qi said...

compare la dgn saya..

- gaji kak aniza > gaji saya
- rumah k.aniza cantik & besar, tp saya cuma mampu menyewa aje
- anak k.aniza 2, anak saya 1 aje

kekekeke.. hope u are feeling better :P

ida aniza said...

nice one..u make my day qila...

i hope one day, U'll hv a home of ur own (hotel-like-deco) with much more higher salary and lotsa kids- adik Amna. Ameen :)

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