Saturday, 11 May 2013

Ujian Allah, thank you Allah

Its been a while from my last posting.

In March, AM was admitted due to acute tonsillitis and viral fever for 6 days.

In April, AF was admitted due to bronchitis. After that I got really bad sinus and asthma. I needed puff every 4-6 hrs or felt stuffy, having difficulty to breath and speak properly.

End of April, bad guys broke and entered our home sweet home. Left with laptop and the boys precious ipad. Till today we are still traumatize..

Last Friday, i took blood test due to hormon inbalance- suspected by the GP. I think I can guess my true illness all this while..

Sad. Very sad indeed. But I know Allah loves me more..making me/us stronger and bring us closer to u.

Thank u Allah for everything that u hv given us. Rahmatilah kami, berilah kami kejayaan dunia & akhirat, ameen.


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