Thursday, 21 June 2012

Bila ada tanda seru camni (!) kat subjek e-mail


Perasan x tanda ni kat (!) kat e-mail? At my previous office, I dont think it is a big issue. For any e-mail received bearing that symbol at the subject, I read it as: NEEDS URGENT ATTENTION/RESPONSE, ASAP.. as simple as that.

but now, I notice (recently realize) that some people (e-mail receipient) is just too sensitive & said "next time, dont send out e-mail with (!).

BUT, if the e-mail sent is without such symbol, how r we suppose to differentiate which is urgent i.e with tight deadline, etc...ish ish...

pape lah labu....semua org ada masalah/keje berlambak2...cukup bulan dpt gaji kn??



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