Letih asyik kena packing & unpacking je sebulan ni...tu lom kira turun naik flight kena inspect ngan immigration. oversea ni kena bukak belt skali..tu yg leceh tu. dlm ms turun naik flight tu ada la few times kena minum susu AM yg dh bancuh (x leh bwk liquid > 100ml) nk provekn itu mmg susu & not hazardous product la...
Remark- hotel in Europe x sediakn cerek yg. dia suruh amik kat coffee maker/dispenser kat lobby. Tp kat sink bilik mmg ada hot/cold water which are safe for direct consumption. Hot water kat Europe ni bersih i.e much clearer as compared to UK's hot water yg ada kapur (air kaler putih tp sedikit keruh).
Kami pn tawakaltu 'ala Allah sbb pakai (really) hot water from tap je utk:-
bancuh Milo/nescafe 3-in-1, maggi in cup & BOYS formula milk. Alhamdulillah, AF & AM sihat jer throughout our journey. Syukur sgt:)
(Actually BIL dh belikn cerek utk bwk ke Europe. Unfortunately adapter xleh pakai plak..dh try kat bilik kitaorg, x functioning lgsg!! mula2 tu mmg panic la..tu yg asyik ulang alik ke lobby sbb nk amik air panas penuhkn flask but end up kena sound ngan mamat receptionist. Maybe dia igt kitaorg nk curi2 amik coffe free kat dispenser dia kot...wat eva..I also tried to ask him whether the hotel has one for us to borrow. So funny that man went to his small office/store room with 2 boxes of electrical items which includes- desktop keyboard-bengong!!, tangled wires mcm wire hairdryer pn ye jugak, tp xde adapter pun..sedih je...)
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