Semalam hr pertama boys ni dok nursery. we decided to send the boys sebab kesiankn my parents & PIL kena jaga diaorg ni..mmg la mereka ikhlas tp org dh berumur, mana la larat nk layan budak2...(some even said the term anak jd mak mmg cakap mak ikhlas jaga budak2 ni. TQVM mak & mama..luv u oll lots!!!) kejap nk ni, kejap nk tu..lom lg ber'otromen' sesama sendiri..(walaupn diaorg ni actually x le lasak sgt.i.e bukan la jenis yg suka sepahkn bgr2 merata2/mkn sepah/minum tumpah2 air..)
mmg sedih bila antar at this point of time, this is the best option that we have.
bila hantar boys ke nursery ni, dgn harapan:
1. well taken care off - xkena pukul/gigit ngan budak lain/ xde lebam or luka kat badan
2. jgn la boys ni jd ganas bila bercampur ngan budak2 lain.
3. hopefully the care taker (panggil cekgu) will take good care of the boys. (mana ada org lain sayangkn anak kita mcm darah daging sendiri kn...)
4. hope the boys enjoy their daily activities and mingle well (especially AM yg br 1st time spent time without us/grandparents)
5. hopefully bum bum AM x melecet i.e lmbt tukar disposable diapers.
from time to time, keje aku mmg call nursery & tanye cekgu tu AM wat ape time AF gi skolah.
Ya Allah, aku serahkn anak2 ku padaMu..
Saturday, 2 February 2013
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