when my head of section asked me, wat is my plan..i just replied to him: I am hibernating during that long leave..hehehe
hi·ber·nate (h
1. To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.
2. To be in an inactive or dormant state or periodso far, we only left home for some groceries shopping at Jusco...& window shopping at MPH (ye ke..i just dont remember the name of the bookstore...short term memory loss!)
so far,
subuh- bgn tido lambat- masak breakfast- dhuha- mandi- Zuhr-cook lunch- potato couch- Asr - mandi- potato couch- Maghrib- dinner (normally will eat same lunch food/other simpler food..x kosa den nk msk heavy for dinner)- Isyak- potato couch- tido...
potato couch translated:
lepak tgk tv, internet, basuh berak AM..suap mkn boys, mandikn boys, buat susu, etc = mommies task la..ape lg :)
btw, these long leave, I cooked puding roti (yg x seberapa tu) pegedil (boys fav CARB!!) ayam percik terengganu (imitating MIL's recipe....though not sure how "Terengganu" my ayam percik was.., kari telur (to my surprise, AM like it lots..mamak style curry, pekat & no santan..yummy to me!!!)...
will try to include the recipes (kalau
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