Friday, 24 May 2013

neuro instead of endo

i got the test result. a change of diagnosis & change from endo specialist to neurologist. alhamdulillah dah buat appointment kat columbia asia setapak with a neurologist & to meet on next tuesday.

after meeting the neuro, i' ll be spending my time at Tini Spa :)

wait for my review at the spa ye

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

2nd blood test

I went to consult my fav GP. Took my blood sample-2nd time for more test. Once the result is ready then she will prepare the referral letter. I would prefer to go to Columbia Asia Setapak but there is no endo specialist. She'll referred me to APSH.

Ish berdebarnye..
Saturday, 11 May 2013

Ujian Allah, thank you Allah

Its been a while from my last posting.

In March, AM was admitted due to acute tonsillitis and viral fever for 6 days.

In April, AF was admitted due to bronchitis. After that I got really bad sinus and asthma. I needed puff every 4-6 hrs or felt stuffy, having difficulty to breath and speak properly.

End of April, bad guys broke and entered our home sweet home. Left with laptop and the boys precious ipad. Till today we are still traumatize..

Last Friday, i took blood test due to hormon inbalance- suspected by the GP. I think I can guess my true illness all this while..

Sad. Very sad indeed. But I know Allah loves me more..making me/us stronger and bring us closer to u.

Thank u Allah for everything that u hv given us. Rahmatilah kami, berilah kami kejayaan dunia & akhirat, ameen.
Monday, 11 February 2013

Coach lagi....

 Available: Coach Leather Large Wristlet- putty white RM350.00
- Leather
- Credit card, multifunction pockets
- Strap with clip to form a wrist strap or top handle
- fabric lining

- 9 1/2" (L) x 5 1/2" (H)
Coach Leather Large Wristlet - Putty White F47527, 319, Wristlets, Coach
 Coach Madison Leather Large Wristlet- Terracotta (Silver black also available)

Coach Madison Leather Large Wristlet - Terracotta 46614, 435, Wristlets, Coach

- Leather
- Inside multifunction pockets
- Zip-top closure, fabric lining
- Strap with clip to form a wrist strap or small top handle
- 9 1/4" (L) x 5 1/4" (H) x 1 1/2" (W)

New venture- Coach reseller :)


ni my latest venture...nk jual coach. Price included pos laju ye & max delivery in 1 week time. COD: LRT Masjid Jamek/ KLCC :)

available stok:

Signature fabric with patent fabric trim
Double patent leather handles with 8.5” drop
COACH EST. 1941 logo medallion on front top
Interior fabric lining
Inside zip pocket, cell phone and multifunction slip pocket
9 1/4" (L) - Bottom, 14" (L) -Top, 9 1/2" (H) x 4 1/4" (W)
This is a signature product

Coach Poppy Signature Sateen Small Wristlet Light Khaki Ivory Sunflower

Sesuai utk letak hp (mine -blackberry. kalau Galaxy note of koz x muat!), LRT/touch & go card, office ID, coins/some duit kertas (up to RM1K of RM50 notes on muat gaks...)

Zip-top closure, fabric lining
Strap with clip to form a wrist strap or attach to the inside of a bag
6" (L) x 4" (H)

Coach Poppy Signature Sateen Small Wristlet - Light Khaki Ivory Sunflower 47020, 220, Wristlets, Coach

Long leave of CNY= Hibernating

we really look forward for this long leave (4 days, yeeehaa!!!)

when my head of section asked me, wat is my plan..i just replied to him: I am hibernating during that long leave..hehehe

hi·ber·nate  (hbr-nt)intr.v. hi·ber·nat·ed, hi·ber·nat·ing, hi·ber·nates
1. To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.
2. To be in an inactive or dormant state or period

so far, we only left home for some groceries shopping at Jusco...& window shopping at MPH (ye ke..i just dont remember the name of the bookstore...short term memory loss!)

so far, our my activities at home:
subuh- bgn tido lambat- masak breakfast- dhuha- mandi- Zuhr-cook lunch- potato couch- Asr - mandi- potato couch- Maghrib- dinner (normally will eat same lunch food/other simpler food..x kosa den nk msk heavy for dinner)- Isyak- potato couch- tido...


potato couch translated:
lepak tgk tv, internet, basuh berak AM..suap mkn boys, mandikn boys, buat susu, etc = mommies task la..ape lg :)

btw, these long leave, I cooked puding roti (yg x seberapa tu) pegedil (boys fav CARB!!) ayam percik terengganu (imitating MIL's recipe....though not sure how "Terengganu" my ayam percik was.., kari telur (to my surprise, AM like it lots..mamak style curry, pekat & no santan..yummy to me!!!)...

will try to include the recipes (kalau rajin sempat) hehehhehe
Saturday, 2 February 2013

Boys duduk kat nursery skarang ni

Semalam hr pertama boys ni dok nursery. we decided to send the boys sebab kesiankn my parents & PIL kena jaga diaorg ni..mmg la mereka ikhlas tp org dh berumur, mana la larat nk layan budak2...(some even said the term anak jd mak mmg cakap mak ikhlas jaga budak2 ni. TQVM mak & mama..luv u oll lots!!!) kejap nk ni, kejap nk tu..lom lg ber'otromen' sesama sendiri..(walaupn diaorg ni actually x le lasak sgt.i.e bukan la jenis yg suka sepahkn bgr2 merata2/mkn sepah/minum tumpah2 air..)

mmg sedih bila antar at this point of time, this is the best option that we have.

bila hantar boys ke nursery ni, dgn harapan:

1. well taken care off - xkena pukul/gigit ngan budak lain/ xde lebam or luka kat badan
2. jgn la boys ni jd ganas bila bercampur ngan budak2 lain.
3. hopefully the care taker (panggil cekgu) will take good care of the boys. (mana ada org lain sayangkn anak kita mcm darah daging sendiri kn...)
4. hope the boys enjoy their daily activities and mingle well (especially AM yg br 1st time spent time without us/grandparents)
5. hopefully bum bum AM x melecet i.e lmbt tukar disposable diapers.

from time to time, keje aku mmg call nursery & tanye cekgu tu AM wat ape time AF gi skolah.

Ya Allah, aku serahkn anak2 ku padaMu..
Friday, 1 February 2013

New month, new experience,new place...

Today is 2nd of Feb. ysterday I celebrated hari wilayah (again) after almost 8 years working in Selangor yiha!! dpt cuti free.

So these were what we did yesterday:

5.30 am- woke up & prepared AF's bekal - he requested for kotiaw goreng.
6.00 am- finish off packing AF's bag, solat subuh, etc
6.40 am- the time the school van should hv got to our home to fetch AF to school. but almost 7am, the van is yet to come. so Mr Lecturer had to sent AF to school.

in betweeen time to

8.30 am- sent AM to taska. (Nursery). Fill in forms, furnished some docs (copies of birth cert, myKid, Parents' I/C)

Almost 10 am- went for brekkie with Mr Lecturer. me ate Nasi Dagang :)

10.10 am- went to AF's school (stalking!! heheheheh...actually nk pi ko-op sebab nk beli neck tie dia yg dh putus though br skolah for a month!). & when he saw me, he said- Nape mama datang ni?? nada boring..his new BFF said to me: Saya berani, Mama saya x payah dtg :)

omg! meaning Mama x diperlukan la ye?? btw, kotiaw goreng tu mkn ramai2.. (walaupn kotiaw tu x sedap, eheheheh)

almost 11 am- reach home. kemas dapur, etc, called nursery to checkk on AM. so far ok (stopped crying oredi)

Zuhr- Mr Lecturer went for Friday prayer. me called the nursery again to check whether AF's school van has sent him to nursery instead of our home. The teacher said AF was having lunch whilst AM refused to eat. he just drank his milk the whole day (memberontak agaknye).

2.25 pm- checking with nursery, the teacher said AF just went off to skolah agama. AM still dont wanna eat. Then off we go to KD to meet AF's ibu (BS).

abt 6 pm- we fetched the boys. AM looked gloomy whilst AF was ok & playing at the yard.AM muka x puas ati.

Yesterday was the boys 1st DAY AT NURSERY. .such a loooooong day.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Selamat bersekolah, AF!

AF started standard 1 at Sek. Keb on 2/1/2013. Last 2 years when he went to kindy, we were so excited, coz our eldest child dah besar. belajar naik van, naik tangga ke kelas (kindy situated at level 1 of a shoplot).

Now, (again) we were excited, but actually, I am scared...

- he has no friends yet. his friends from the same kindy went to other schools- there are about 3 schools in our district, some even went to  private schools/ KL schools (CBN, St john) but luckily he still meet his kindy frens during skolah agama in the afternoon session.

- his ride is private transporter, our neighbour. last week, we/mr lecturer personally fetch him to/from school.
- he has to buy  his own F&B. we have  how thought him how to buy some food RM1, or RM0.60. but still, me still nervous..
- his class teacher is so GARANG. i mean no ice breaking session with the year 1 students. x pandai psikologi LGSG!  I am so sad seeing the way she interacted with the students.

my hope for this school sessions:
- my son will hv lots of friends
- dia x kena tinggal ngan van skolah
- he will be more familiar with $$ and he wont be bullied by others.
- his class teacher will be more dedicated, gentle in dealing with year 1. (u are the inspiration to the students)

quoted from Prof. Dr. Rozieta Shaary on 3/1/2013:


Pagi ini, ucapkan kesyukuran kerana masih diberi nyawa untuk meneruskan kehidupan.
Untuk yang anak-anak pergi sekolah atau tadika, maka bacakan Al-Fatihah dan doakan agar dengan izinNya, anak-anak itu akan terjaga dengan baik dan dapat belajar menjadi orang yang hebat.

Doakkan kebaikan juga untuk guru-guru yang mengajar. Hantarkan doa bacaan Al-Fatihah dan tenaga kasih sayang. Semoga hati mereka senantiasa penuh dengan kasih-sayang dan mengajar anak-anak kita dengan penuh rasa tanggung-jawab dan kasih murni.

Love- Ibu Rose


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